Don’t overlook our informative videos on the MSL YouTube channel.
Here are some great ways to get to know our exceptional electromagnetic devices, solenoid-based products and actuator solutions:
- Check out the information and datasheets on our website
- Email or phone us to talk to our technical experts
- Meet up with us at trade shows
But there’s another quick and easy online way you might not know:
- Find us on the MSL YouTube channel
We’ve posted a series of informative video animations to the MSL YouTube channel. For instance, if you want to get details on our electric locking solutions – be it the EBL-W weatherproof bolt lock or the EMB Electric Mini Bolt (and others) – this is a great place to start. From plain language descriptions to animated cutaway and annotated graphics, you’ll learn a lot about some of our sophisticated products in less time than it takes to drink a cup of coffee.
Check out our Magnet Schultz Ltd YouTube channel at