Our expertise on Security Door Locking shared by SJUK magazine

We must offer our thanks to Security Journal UK (SJUK) for inviting us to contribute to a feature on Security Door Mechanisms, and to our Sales Engineer and solenoid electric locking technology expert Tim Lloyd for putting the article together.

As Tim points out in the feature, a key factor in the security of any door is the ability to control the accessway, typically with locking technology. In our case, it’s electric locking technology. And while solenoid actuation has been deployed in locks for decades, there remain lesser-known features of electric lock mechanisms in widespread use that are taken for granted. Tim highlights some noteworthy applications in his SJUK article.

You can read the full article here in Security Journal UK’s online magazine. Flip through to Page 96 of the publication.

Let us know what you think and don’t hesitate to get in touch with Tim if any of these solenoid-centric lock deployments could help you or your business.

By Rob Kershaw. Managing Director.

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